Have you ever wondered how well your website is performing? Unless you are a website guru, you probably haven’t paid much attention to what is happening behind the scenes: Is it configured properly? Is it fast enough? How usable is the site? Do I have the right keywords? Does it work with mobile devices? Are you missing Robots and Sitemaps (or have no idea what those are?)?
Achieve Online Excellence with an Alabama SBDC Network Website Review

The Alabama SBDC Network can provide you with a free website analysis, with suggestions on improvements that can be made. Some improvements will be easy, while others may require a conversation with your web developer or hosting company. The report that you receive will be 15 to 25 pages of analysis, plus suggestions on how you can improve. We’ve included links to other websites that explain some of the key concepts in depth. Want to see an example? We reviewed the Alabama Department of Commerce’s website, MadeInAlabama.com, which -at the time of the review – had only recently been launched. It scored well, but there were still opportunities for tweaks.
Please note that not all of the portions of our review will necessarily apply to your website. A manufacturer of industrial hydraulic presses may not benefit from having a Facebook page, while the local frozen yogurt shop may find it to be vital.
Website Review - Request Form
The report will include the following items:
- Overall website grade
- Top priorities for the website
- Visitor traffic and demographics
- Local directory information
- Social media popularity and metrics
- Mobile rendering of website and optimization evaluation
- On-page SEO analysis and checklist
- Website keywords and competitors
- Number of backlinks
- Usability and functionality of website
- Security and trust metrics
- Speed and tech information